v0.1.1 Getalsysteem door HU IICT.
We can write numbers in different ‘bases’. The base we know best is base ten - the decimal system. This is how we usually write numbers. It was probably chosen because humans usually have ten fingers. But we can also write numbers in other bases.
The most relevant number bases for programming are:
decimal - the default base for numbers, a single digit is from 0 to 9
hexadecimal or sexagesimal, a convenient abbreviation for binary numbers, because each hexadecimal digit (0..F) represents four bits
octal - this was used in early computers and one octal digit
(0..7) represents three bits, we see it when Unix file access rights
are printed or entered, e.g. chmod 644 myfile.txt
for rw-r–r–
binary - the base in which all conventional digital computer circuits work, a bit or binary digit (0..1) represents ‘no current’ and ‘current’
To represent bases larger than 10 we normally use the Latin alphabet from A to Z for anything larger than 9. This way we can represent values from 0 up to base $10 + 26 =$ 36 in a single digit.
10 16 8 2 ---- ------ ----- ------------
00 0x00 0o00 0b00000000
01 0x01 0o01 0b00000001
02 0x02 0o02 0b00000010
03 0x03 0o03 0b00000011
04 0x04 0o04 0b00000100
05 0x05 0o05 0b00000101
06 0x06 0o06 0b00000110
07 0x07 0o07 0b00000111
08 0x08 0o10 0b00001000
09 0x09 0o11 0b00001001
10 0x0A 0o12 0b00001010
11 0x0B 0o13 0b00001011
12 0x0C 0o14 0b00001100
13 0x0D 0o15 0b00001101
14 0x0E 0o16 0b00001110
15 0x0F 0o17 0b00001111
16 0x10 0o20 0b00010000
As one example of a larger one, base 64 is used in base64 encoding to represent binary data as printable text.
This encoding uses 0-9, A-Z and a-z. This way we can encode
$10 + 26 + 26 =$ 62 values.
To get to 64 we need two additional characters, base64 uses ‘+’ and ‘/’
to make the digits for 62 and 63.
Each base64 character now encodes six bits. Any 8-bit-data that is not a multiple of three bytes (24 bits) needs added ‘padding’ to indicate that the string is complete. For padding, one or two ‘=’ characters are added.
Example for a short text file (with tabulator and newline character) in base64 encoding:
Hexadecimal dump of the input data (od -Ax -t x1
0000000 54 68 65 20 71 75 69 63 6b 20 62 72 6f 77 6e 20
0000010 66 6f 78 20 6a 75 6d 70 73 20 6f 76 65 72 20 74
0000020 68 65 20 6c 61 7a 79 20 64 6f 67 2e 0a 0a 30 31
0000030 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 0a 0a 20 20 20 20 74 61
0000040 62 75 6c 61 74 6f 72 21 0a 0a
Many early civilizations (and some current civilizations, too) used to count in a base 12 (duodecimal) system, by using their thumb to count their phalanges. For further reading, see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duodecimal